
Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Everyone needs a little magic in their lives! Fairy Garden adventures.

I have been wanting to do a fairy garden now for five years. Last year I got as far as buying some supplies, and even digging up the spot that I was going to put my garden. I never did plant a thing though. In my head I knew what I wanted my garden to look like, but our yard has hardly any shade. So not all plants can take the full sun all day long so I ended up scraping the idea of a garden last year.

Moving forward to this year, I got an idea of making a raised flower bed, and have it part way under our crepe myrtle tree. After having my husband make the box for me I got busy shoveling dirt into the box... let me tell you, I'm getting old and boy that sure wasn't an easy job! I had stopped to get a few plants before I started shoveling, and when I got home I decided I needed more, and some top soil. So off to the store again to get more plants and top soil.  I had gotten everything planted last night, and only had enough energy to put a couple of decorations in. This morning when I got up as sore as I was, I still wanted to get out there and work on my garden. One plant isn't looking so hot, but I'm going to give it a couple days before I yank it and replace it.  I hope you enjoy my garden as much as I am. I still need fairies and I will probably be adding more little do dads along the way.
Before adding more decorations.
Waterfall  and stepping stones up the hill 

Camper and out house

Log cabin ( I added a hammock to the side)

This flower isn't looking to hot, hopefully it will perk up. 

Now to add fairies!